Olimpik Donetsk - Uzhorod LIVE score

Ukraine. First League - 21 May 2022, 18:00
Match rating:
Olimpik Donetsk
Head to head
Olimpik Donetsk
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Last matches - Olimpik Donetsk
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Last matches - Uzhorod
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022
Ukraine. First League 2021/2022

Last matches

Football match preview: Olimpik Donetsk - Uzhorod 21.05.2022, Ukraine. First League

The match between the team of Olimpik Donetsk and the team of Uzhorod will be held within the championship in football: Ukraine. First League 2021/2022.

Date of the match: 21.05.2022
The match starts: 18:00

History of previous matches

History of confrontations between the club of Olimpik Donetsk and the team of Uzhorod:

The previous game between the teams ended in victory of Olimpik Donetsk, while Uzhorod was defeated. The opposition between Uzhorod и Olimpik Donetsk during the previous football game on 24.10.2021 ended with the following result: 1:3 in favor of guests.

In order to win, the head trainer of the teams, have developed special strategies for the game, and after the previous game made tactical amendments to the attack and defense on the field.

You can watch the live streaming of the match Olimpik Donetsk - Uzhorod on 21.05.2022 for free in HD quality on official TV resources or paid sports channels, where futbol is broadcast online, in particular the tournament of Ukraine. First League. Text translation of the match Olimpik Donetsk - Uzhorod, the course of the match, today’s livescores, goal statistics, results and overall scores can be monitored on our website, in the soccer section, both via a PC and via mobile platforms for Apple and Android in 24/7 mode.

Information on teams:

The host team

Name: Olimpik Donetsk
Year of foundation of Olimpik Donetsk: 2001

The past game of Olimpik Donetsk was played against Hirnyk-Sport Komsomolsk - 26.11.2021, within the tournament of Ukraine. First League 2021/2022 and ended in victory of Hirnyk-Sport Komsomolsk.

Visiting team

Name: Uzhorod
Year of foundation of Uzhorod: 2015

The past game of Uzhorod was played against VPK-Agro Shevchenkivka - 28.11.2021, within the championship of Ukraine. First League 2021/2022 and ended in a draw.

Follow the results of the match Olimpik Donetsk - Uzhorod online in LIVE football mode, where all statistics are updated throughout the match on our website.

More match announcements, streams, schedules, standings and results of the Ukraine. First League games and other championships are also available online 24/7 on our site.