MOL Vidi - Zalaegerszegi LIVE score

Nemzeti Bajnokság I - 07 October 2022, 19:00
Match rating:
MOL Vidi
1 - 1
Match progress
20' Csoka, Daniel 36' Manzinga, Christy 45' Kodro, Kenan
46' Csoka, Daniel 46' Szalay, Szabolcs In: Ubochioma, Meshack Izuchukwu 46' Manzinga, Christy In: Silva Nascimento Santos, Diego 59' Kastrati, Lirim In: Zivzivadze, Budu 67' Bedi, Bence 74' Mocsi, Attila 75' Hangya, Szilveszter 77' Kodro, Kenan In: Bese, Barnabas 77' Dardai, Palko In: Schon, Szabolcs 84' Makarenko, Yevhen In: Pokorny, Peter 86' Kalnoki-Kis, David 90' Ikoba, Eduvie 90' Pokorny, Peter
Interesting Facts
  • The most common result of matches between Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar and Zalaegerszeg TE when Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar is playing at home is 2-0. 4 matches have ended with this result.
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 43 meetings, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 20 times, there have been 12 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 11 times. The goal difference is 83-47 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar.
  • Zalaegerszeg TE's last away win against Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar was in 2009.
  • In NB I, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have 3 successive home wins.
  • Did you know that Zalaegerszeg TE scores 21% of their goals between the minutes 61-75?
  • When playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have not lost to Zalaegerszeg TE in their last 9 encounters.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar haven't scored in 0 of their 3 home matches in NB I this season.
  • Zalaegerszeg TE haven't scored in 0 of their 4 away matches in NB I this season.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar's home record this season: 3-0-0.
  • Kenan Kodro is Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar's top scorer with 5 goals. Eduvie Ikoba has scored 5 times for Zalaegerszeg TE.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have conceded a goal in each of their last 10 matches.
  • Zalaegerszeg TE have scored at least one goal for 15 consecutive matches.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar wins 1st half in 42% of their matches, Zalaegerszeg TE in 37% of their matches.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar wins 42% of halftimes, Zalaegerszeg TE wins 37%.
  • The winner of their last meeting was Zalaegerszeg TE.
  • On their last meeting Zalaegerszeg TE won by 2 goals.
  • When Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar leads 1-0 at home, they win in 84% of their matches.
  • When Zalaegerszeg TE leads 0-1 away, they win in 75% of their matches.
  • When Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar is down 0-1 home, they win 33% of their matches.
  • When Zalaegerszeg TE is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Zalaegerszeg TE (in all competitions).
  • In the last 5 meetings Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar won 3, Zalaegerszeg TE won 1, 1 draws.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have lost just 1 of their last 5 NB I games against Zalaegerszeg TE.
  • Zalaegerszeg TE have won just 1 of their last 5 NB I games against Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar scores 1.6 goals in a match against Zalaegerszeg TE and Zalaegerszeg TE scores 0.6 goals against Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar (on average).
  • Average number of goals in meetings between Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar and Zalaegerszeg TE is 2.2.
  • Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar and Zalaegerszeg TE is 1.
  • Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar scores 2.21 goals when playing at home and Zalaegerszeg TE scores 1.36 goals when playing away (on average).
  • In NB I, Zalaegerszeg TE has better performance than Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar.
  • Zalaegerszeg TE's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar's.
  • Did you know that Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar scores 40% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
  • Did you know that Zalaegerszeg TE scores 20% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
  • Both teams haven't won their last match in NB I.
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
  • During the last 19 meetings with Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar playing at home, Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar have won 13 times, there have been 4 draws while Zalaegerszeg TE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 47-13 in favour of Fehervar FC Szekesfehervar
Head to head
MOL Vidi
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2022/2023
Last matches - MOL Vidi
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Last matches - Zalaegerszegi
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024
Main events
Ikoba, Eduvie GOOAL!
Pokorny, Peter
Kalnoki-Kis, David
Makarenko, Yevhen
In: Pokorny, Peter
Kodro, Kenan
In: Bese, Barnabas
Dardai, Palko
In: Schon, Szabolcs
Hangya, Szilveszter
Mocsi, Attila
Bedi, Bence
Kastrati, Lirim
In: Zivzivadze, Budu
Csoka, Daniel
Szalay, Szabolcs
In: Ubochioma, Meshack Izuchukwu
Manzinga, Christy
In: Silva Nascimento Santos, Diego
GOOAL! Kodro, Kenan
Manzinga, Christy
Csoka, Daniel
Match Stats
Corner Kicks
Yellow Cards
Yellow Card
yellow card Pokorny, Peter - (MOL Vidi)
substitution Kalnoki-Kis, David : Klausz, Milán Gábo - (Zalaegerszegi)
substitution Makarenko, Yevhen : Pokorny, Peter - (MOL Vidi)
substitution Dardai, Palko : Schon, Szabolcs - (MOL Vidi)
substitution Kodro, Kenan : Bese, Barnabas - (MOL Vidi)
Yellow Card
yellow card Hangya, Szilveszter - (MOL Vidi)
Yellow Card
yellow card Mocsi, Attila - (Zalaegerszegi)
substitution Bedi, Bence : Mim, Gergely - (Zalaegerszegi)
substitution Kastrati, Lirim : Zivzivadze, Budu - (MOL Vidi)
substitution Manzinga, Christy : Silva Nascimento Santos, Diego - (Zalaegerszegi)
substitution Szalay, Szabolcs : Ubochioma, Meshack Izuchukwu - (Zalaegerszegi)
substitution Csoka, Daniel : Szendrei, Norbert - (Zalaegerszegi)
Yellow Card
yellow card Manzinga, Christy - (Zalaegerszegi)
Yellow Card
yellow card Csoka, Daniel - (Zalaegerszegi)
match is over
video assistant referee over - (Zalaegerszegi)
VAR - (Zalaegerszegi)
score change Ikoba, Eduvie - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
injury return - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
injury time shown + 4
injury - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
shot saved - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot on target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
shot saved - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
shot on target - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
offside - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
period start
period score
break start
score change Kodro, Kenan - (MOL Vidi)
injury time shown + 2
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
shot saved - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
shot on target - (MOL Vidi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
VAR - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
injury return - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
injury - (Zalaegerszegi)
offside - (Zalaegerszegi)
offside - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Goal Attempt
shot off target - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
offside - (Zalaegerszegi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (Zalaegerszegi)
Corner Kick
corner kick - (MOL Vidi)
free kick - (MOL Vidi)
Goal Attempt
goal kick - (MOL Vidi)
match started

Last matches

Football match preview: MOL Vidi - Zalaegerszegi 07.10.2022, Nemzeti Bajnokság I

The confrontation between the team of MOL Vidi and the team of Zalaegerszegi will be held within the championship in football: Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2022/2023.

Date of the match: 07.10.2022
The match starts: 19:00

History of previous matches

History of confrontations between the team of MOL Vidi and the team of Zalaegerszegi:

The past game between the teams ended in a draw. The opposition between MOL Vidi и Zalaegerszegi during the previous football game on 21.04.2024 ended with the results of: 1:1 in a draw.

In order to win, the head trainer of the teams, have developed special strategies for the game, and after the previous match made tactical amendments to the attack and defense on the field.

You can watch the live streaming of the match MOL Vidi - Zalaegerszegi on 07.10.2022 for free in HD quality on official TV resources or paid sports channels, where futbol is broadcast online, in particular the tournament of Nemzeti Bajnokság I. Text translation of the match MOL Vidi - Zalaegerszegi, the course of the match, today’s livescores, goal statistics, results and overall scores can be monitored on our website, in the soccer section, both via a PC and via mobile platforms for Apple and Android in 24/7 mode.

Information on teams:

The host team

Name: MOL Vidi

The past match of MOL Vidi was played against Kisvarda - 28.04.2024, within the tournament of Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024 and ended in victory of Kisvarda.

Visiting team

Name: Zalaegerszegi

The previous match of Zalaegerszegi was played against Puskas Akademia - 26.04.2024, within the championship of Nemzeti Bajnokság I 2023/2024 and ended in victory of Zalaegerszegi.

Follow the results of the match MOL Vidi - Zalaegerszegi online in LIVE football mode, where all statistics are updated throughout the match on our website.

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